In order to contribute to enhancing relationships between youth in the community, Mercy Corps – Lebanon has partnered with Peace Labs to provide a safe space for expression and interaction beyond the confines of the stress of the current context and any other factors that may be negatively impacting inter- and/or intra-community interactions. The team aims to bring different youth together to engage in collective initiatives that foster self-expression and peaceful discussions and lead to more positive relationships and communication among themselves and with community members. Youth from the municipalities of Qsarnaba, Saadnayel, AlManara, AlMansoura, and Rachayya have been selected and the planning stage has officially begun! Expect exciting updates on the activities selected by each group.

IJMAA+ is a Mercy Corps program funded by the European Regional Development and Protection Programme for Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (RDPP Middle East) that aims to contribute to a reduction in drivers of tension amongst and between Lebanese host communities, refugees, and municipal authorities in the #Bekaa through fostering dialogue and providing rapid stabilisation support.

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